Risk & Compliance
DBS – Digital Banking Solutions provides Risk and Compliance Solutions for Banking, Insurance, Legal, Real State and Utilities. Avoid Risk and create tangible value supported by DBS & CREDIRISK complete offer in Risk & Compliance solutions: Risk, Collections, Monitoring, Predictive Models, Basel III/ IV, Customer Value Solutions and Professional Services. Avoid Business risk and the risk of noncompliance with DBS-Credirisk solutions – We promise, we deliver!

DBS Argus
Argus® is a Solution whose main purpose is to support our costumers in controlling anti-money laundering activity and fraude, it is aligned with the rules of the local supervisor and all international rules and laws.
DBS Credibox
CrediBox® is a complete Solution for credit management and customers monitoring, powerful in features and processes speed, effective when related to cost reduction support.

DBS Collections
CollectionsBox® helps controlling contracts in arrears and in particular the management of the operations related to customer’s risk monitoring.